Tenets of faith

Section 1: The Scriptures Inspired - The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the infallible and everlasting rule of faith and conduct.

Section 2: The One True Godhead - The triune Godhead consists of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit, functioning as one entity.

Section 3: The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for humanity, resurrected, and exalted to the right hand of God.

Section 4: The Fall of Man - Man was created good but fell into sin, resulting in physical and spiritual death and separation from God.

Section 5: The Salvation of Man - Redemption is through faith in Jesus Christ, with repentance of sin and evidence of inward witness and outward righteous living.

Section 6: Water Baptism & The Lord's Supper - Believers should observe water baptism as a declaration of their identification with Christ's death and resurrection. The Lord's Supper is a symbol of Christ's suffering, death, and second coming.

Section 7: The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Believers should seek and expect the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which empowers for ministry and results in a fuller experience of God's presence.

Section 8: The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Speaking in tongues is the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Section 9: Sanctification - Believers are to live a holy life, separated from evil, by recognizing their identification with Christ's death and resurrection and surrendering to the Holy Spirit's dominion.

Section 10: The Church - The Church is the body of Christ, empowered to fulfill its mission and comprising believers born of the Spirit.

Section 11: Evangelism and Edification - The divinely called ministry leads the church in evangelizing, worshiping, building up believers, and meeting human needs.

Section 12: Divine Healing - Healing is part of the gospel, provided through the atonement, and available to all believers.

Section 13: Resurrection - Believers will experience resurrection and translation at Christ's coming.

Section 14: Christ's Second Coming - Christ's second coming includes the rapture of the saints and His visible reign on earth, bringing salvation to Israel and universal peace.

Section 15: The Final Judgment - There will be a final judgment where the wicked will be judged and face eternal punishment.

Section 16: Righteousness - Believers anticipate a new heavens and a new earth characterized by righteousness.